What’s the Difference Between Cleaning, Sanitizing & Disinfecting?

You likely already know it’s important to wash your hands with soap and water or alcohol-based hand sanitizers and disinfect surfaces regularly in order to help prevent the spread of COVID-19. But, what’s the difference between cleaning, sanitizing and disinfecting? As the trusted name in all things cleaning including janitorial services for St Louis Park, we’ve put together some of the basics you need to know about disinfection and why it’s necessary.

hand using pink rag to wipe down tiled wall

What is cleaning? Cleaning removes dust, debris and dirt from a surface by scrubbing, washing and rinsing. Cleaning simply works by using soap and water to physically remove dust, dirt and germs from surfaces. Cleaning does not necessarily kill germs, but it can lower their abundance. This, in turn, could help to reduce the risk of spreading infection.

What is sanitizing? Sanitizing reduces the bacteria identified on the product’s label on surfaces and in laundry. As determined by public health standards or requirements, sanitizing can lower the number of germs to a safe level. Sanitization works by either cleaning or disinfecting to lower the risk of spreading infection.

What is disinfecting? Disinfecting destroys or inactivates both the bacteria and viruses identified on the product’s label on hard, nonporous surfaces. Disinfecting does not necessarily clean dirty surfaces but uses chemicals to kill germs. By killing germs on a surface after cleaning, disinfecting can further reduce the risk of spreading infection.

One of the best things you can do to help protect your business is to invest in professional janitorial services. At All Source Building Services and Supply Co., we offer a variety of janitorial services and can tailor those services to meet your specific needs. We can customize a plan to make sure that we tackle the trouble spots, ensuring we clean every necessary part of your office.

What is All Source doing to disinfect? We are utilizing Betco Quat Stat 5 as our choice for disinfecting. Quat Stat 5 is a hospital disinfectant with just 5 minutes contact time. We also have enhanced nightly janitorial services with both the disinfecting product as well as a heightened awareness of high-touch surfaces. We focus on high-touch surfaces such as door handles, handrails, restrooms, conference rooms, drinking fountains, light switches, coffee stations, lunchrooms, service areas, copy machines, etc.

Are you interested in getting some more information about the many janitorial services we offer in the St Louis Park area? Call All Source at 952-473-3228 or schedule a time for a Free Estimate.